On a national average 1 book is available for every 300 children in low-income communities as compared to an average of 12 books in the homes of their more affluent peers.
Access to books shouldn’t require a sacrifice on food, rent money or medical necessities. Help us close the gap of student literacy one book at a time.
All donations are tax deductible, and any amount helps.

Childhood illiteracy is an everyone, everywhere problem. This is especially the case in New Mexico, where 66% of students do not read proficiently. The biggest barrier to literacy in Santa Fe is access to books.
Our volunteers help us build first-time home libraries and expose students and their families to a world of possibilities and options.

Become a Corporate Sponsor
When a business/company donates money to sponsor an event or program for Bookkids. This sponsorship consist of recognizing your business/company throughout various event materials, such as signage, merchandise, and online advertising.
$500.00 will support a classroom of 30 children.
By Mail
Mail your donation here:
Payable to: Bookkids
PO Box 23783
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502